Bats are amongst the world’s most persecuted and misunderstood animals, The Bat Interest Group of KwaZulu-Natal was formed to:

– Promote bats and their value to the environment and to humans by educating members of the public and dispelling myths;

– Conserve bats by maintaining existing bat populations by rehabilitating injured bats, and, aiding human/bat interactions

– Promote and undertake research to find out more about the bats of Kwa-Zulu Natal and Southern Africa.

Join Bats KZN and help preserve these animals that are so critical to the well-being of the world’s environment.

Even if you do not wish to become actively involved in activities, your support will be much appreciated.

Membership Application Form

Bank Details

The Bat Interest Group of KwaZulu Natal

Bank: First National Bank, Current

Account: 62221589502

Branch code: 220327

Reference: Initial and Surname

Please make an electronic transfer to our bank account to pay for your membership.

Alternatively, email us for assistance.